• Grant Victor is recognized as one of the Best Companies to Work For by Utah Business Magazine.
  • Grant Victor launches additional SBU, TetraLink.
  • Grant Victor ranks #1,497, eGlobal ranks #2,234 and ATMequipment.com ranks #840 in the Inc. 500 | 5000.
  • The Utah 100 ranks eGlobal at #34 and ATMequipment.com at #44 as two of the top fastest growing companies in the state. OptConnect ranked as an Emerging 15.
  • eGlobal is #37 and ATMequipment.com is #36 in Utah Business Magazine’s Fast 50.
  • ATMequipment.com  is #1 Top Volume Distributor in North America for Genmega, Hantle, and Nautilus Hyosung.